Thursday, May 1, 2014

Blog #3

When in grade 12 I applied for OYAP (Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program) which allowed me to start going to college in my last year of grade 12. I was accepted and that made me really happy because classes were not that much money and I was able to afford college. I started to take ECE (Early Childhood Education). Class became hard and I ended up not going to classes and soon I ended up dropping out. That was the biggest mistake of my life I sdhoudl of continued going to school and finishing what I started. Now being the age I am I think going back to school is going to be hard for me now.

I applied to get a job with the City Of Toronto as a day camp leader. I got accepted after appling the second time. I have been now working for the city for about 11 years and I really enjoy my job. Now I work going preschool and childrens programs as well as youth programs.

I get jealous when other people talk about how they are almost done dinner and there is me who can't even finish school because school cost to much to finish. I guess my goal in september is to save the money I need to finish school.

Blog #2

Being 26 years old I really haven't had a mom in my life. I talk to my mom on a weekly bases but never really thought of her as my mom now. When she left me I had no clue what was going on. I always thought my mom would come back. I was told that I would tell people "my mommy's coming back you need to leave because my mom is coming home soon". I dont remember that when now being my age becase I have gone though a lot of changes in my life.

I dont know if I can ever forgive my mom for leaving me and not having any contact with me until I was 18 years old. So for years I thought I didn't have a mom. Every Christmas before I would go to bed I would ask santa " All I want for christmas is for you to bring my mom home to me". When that never happened I ended up giving up on that wish.

Every mothers day I would always make my aunt and my grandmother something. When all the kids in school where making a card for there mother I would be making one for them. I got picked on a lot because I wasn't like the other kids having both a mom and a dad.

Me and my mom don't really have that daughter mom relationship we are really more liek best friends. I will never forget that part of my life it will always come back to my mind once and a while. I know I will always have my aunt and my grandmother there to help me a long in life. I was never really able to talk to my aunt or grandmother about certain things that I wanted to know I alwaysw had to learn about them for myself. I will never do that to my children when I have kids. I always want them to have both a mother adn father in there lives.

Should I forgive my mother for messing up my life or Should I not that is what I am confused on.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Blog #1

My life growing up wasn't an easy one. My mother left me when I was only 2 years old. At that age I had no clue what was going on. I thought that she went away on vacation and was coming back soon. I was raised by my dad and it must of been hard for a guy to raise a daughter. With help from both my aunt and my grandmother I was able to have food in my belly, clothes on my body and a roof over my head. I would have to say my dad did a pretty good job raising me. I wasn't the most easiest child to raise. I would always fight with my dad when I didn't want to do anything I was told to do.

When I was old enough to go to school my aunt would buy me my first day of school clothes. Every year as far as I can remember I always wore a dress to school. Every first day of school my dad would take a picture of me in my new clothes in front of our big flower bed before dropping me of at the babysitters.

I got picked on a lot while I was in elementary school because I wasn't always the smartest kid in the class room. Not long after entering grade 2 my dad was told by the teacher that she thinks I have a learning  problem and that he should take me to the doctors to see. I was diagnosed with Attention Defect disorder (ADD) and a learning disability. Ever since I was diagnosed with that I was on medication to help me pay attention in class.

In grade 7 I had to switch schools because I moved and wasn't able to continue to go to the school I was going to. So when I entered grade 7 I had to make some new friends and try to fit in. I was put into a different class in grade 8 to help me with my school work so I didn't fail school. I graduated grade 8 with ok markers but my accomplishment was I graduated.

When I entered high school I knew I had to help myself and get good grade to graduate. I wasn't picked on in high school that much. Ya teenagers weren't really the nicest people to get along with so when I was in grade 9 I had to quickly make some friends so I wasn't a loner in the school.I graduated grade 12 as an Ontario Scholar and was presented with an award as well. I was very proud of my self for what I was able to achieve.